Director's Message: Teaching Excellence is Pivotal to Imagine 2030
Thank you for visiting the Center for Teaching Excellent (CTE). I suspect you're on this page because you're seeking teaching support or a solution to a problem. I hope that our team serves your needs. If we don't meet your expectations, or you have ideas or suggestions for the services we should offer, please let us know.
I look forward to hearing from all those we serve and with whom we partner. I see the CTE's primary functions as being intertwined with faculty, student, and alumni engagement. I envision the CTE playing a formative role in each of the pillars in the Imagine 2030strategic plan. If you'd like a bit more about me and my vision and goals for the CTE, please look out for invitations to focus groups throughout the academic year.
I look forward to serving our amazing SIU faculty, students, and staff.