New Faculty Orientation


Last Updated: Feb 13, 2025, 04:38 PM

Essential Onboarding Activities

CTE orients faculty to teaching at SIU. Here are some useful links for onboarding to SIU. This is not exhaustive, please discuss requirements with your School Director or unit leaders and follow communication from the Provost's Office and Human Resources.

  1. Get your credentials from the Office of Information Technology (OIT)
  2. Connect with HR for general employment questions
  3. Plan ahead for your Parking Pass
  4. Plan to get your ID Card
Reserve a time for your professional headshots See "Free Services" (We have dedicated times available as part of the 2024 SPARK LITE Week)

GETTING STARTED at SIU as an instructor is easy as 1-2-3. Here are three soft onboarding activities you can begin doing today to prepare to teach your first courses at SIU. You are not required to complete these activities before your contract start date; however, if you're eager to begin preparing your courses, let us get you started TODAY.

You will need an SIU Dawg Tag and SIU email to complete some of these activities. We've tried to provide several resources that do not require having a network ID or SIU email.

Maroon Number 1Learn About SIU's Learning Management System (LMS)

SIU is a D2L/Brightspace campus. If you're familiar with D2L, you already know why we love it so much. If you're coming from a Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, etc. campus, we are here to assist you with your transition. You can get started today by doing the following:

  • If you still have access to courses at your former institution that you will teach at SIU, export the course package so you can import content into D2L following these instructions.
  • Register for and Complete D2L/Brightspace Instructor Guided Training [does not require SIU email; download PDF instructions].

Maroon Number 2Begin Preparing Your Course

If you're already thinking about your courses, these resources and activities may help you pivot to SIUC's way of doing things.

Maroon Number 3Download Agenda and Register for CTE's SPARK Week Activities

SPARK Week is a weekof Support, Professional Development, Advancement, Resources, and Knowledge for ALL new and returning SIU faculty.

This event is not required, but we suggestyou take advantage of our wide range of online workshops, campus tours, consultations, and more.

Spark your knowledge, and ignite your potential!

Fall 2024 SIU SPARK Week Schedule - DRAFT

Important Notes

  • This event is optional.However, we have planned several educational online events which will be helpful for everyone.
  • SIU is a DIY institution. This means that the CTE offers training, workshops, and support; however, faculty are responsible for building courses, integrating technology, and complying with accessibility standards. We will give you the tools for success—such as 24/7 LMS support through D2L—but you will want to begin taking advantage of the resources on this page as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition to SIU.
  • Most questions, including questions about your teaching assignments, will be best answered by your School Director or the College Dean's Office. Of course, contact the CTE if you have questions about course preparation and LMS support.
  • If you are having trouble accessing SIU systems, contact SalukiTech
  • Early access to D2L (aka MyCourses). Fortunately, we can give you access to D2L for training and course development before you have an official ID. You can request this when registering for New Faculty Orientation or by emailing Unfortunately, we cannot give you access to your specific course shells for development in D2L until you're officially listed as the instructor of recordandwe receive written approval from your program director. To obtain unrestricted access to D2L (MyCourses) you will need a DAWG ID and SIU email.You can claim your network ID by clicking here.